
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Higgs boson 'God Particle' discovery explained in the context of conscious cosmology

The Higgs boson 'God Particle' discovery explained in the context of conscious cosmology by Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) The ultimate goal of the study of physics is to decode the rules and laws of the universe; to understand what "makes it all tick," so to speak. That goal, of course, has remained elusive, but great strides have been made toward it over the last few thousand years. Newton's formulations of the laws of gravity, Kepler's laws of motion, Bohr's modeling of the atom, Maxwell's equations on electromagnetic behavior... these all contributed to a deeper understanding of the very fabric of reality. Einstein's theory of Special Relativity, and then General Relativity, soon followed.

Our understanding of physics accelerated throughout the 20th century with theories on the Big Bang, inflation and the inflaton field, string theory, M-theory, supersymmetry, quantum mechanics, parallel worlds, bubble universes and much more. It's truly fascinating to observe all this as a conscious being sitting inside the very universe we're all trying to figure out, and one thing I really appreciate about physicists in general is that they require an extraordinarily convincing burden of proof before they announce something to be "discovered."

That's in great contrast to the pharmaceutical industry which essentially just "makes stuff up" and passes it off as "science." Drug companies give science a terrible name, but physicists are the redeeming individuals who help restore credibility to the very name "science."

(For example, in clinical drug trials, a pharmaceutical only has to work on five percent of the test group in order to receive FDA approval as "safe and effective for everyone!" In the realm of particle physics and cosmology, however, experiments usually have to reach a level of certainty approaching 2,999,999 out of three million (5 sigma), thereby leaving only one chance in three million of the conclusion being wrong. Now that's what I call confidence!)

This is why physicists, chemists and other "hard sciences" people who end up throwing their hats in with the pharmaceutical / vaccine / chemotherapy industries only end up discrediting themselves. The for-profit health care industry is largely based on quackery that merely borrows the label of "science" but follows none of its stringent requirements for proof. Physics and cosmology, in great contrast, has (almost) nothing to patent and nothing to sell to the public at monopolistic prices. Particle physics, cosmology and even quantum field theory is truly all about the quest for knowledge and not about hyping up some false pandemic to sell more dangerous vaccines to an unsuspecting public.

Even with the extreme attention to evidentiary detail, however, there's still something the physicists have been overlooking for a long, long time: Consciousness.

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