
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Michael Moore: Thank you so much for making pro-nuclear movie — What a risky, brave idea — France doesn’t seem to have problems with it — I hear ‘Solar and wind are not going to save us’ — I’m concerned about statements by environmental groups against nuclear power (VIDEO)

Michael Moore: Thank you so much for making pro-nuclear movie — What a risky, brave idea — France doesn’t seem to have problems with it — I hear ‘Solar and wind are not going to save us’ — I’m concerned about statements by environmental groups against nuclear power (VIDEO)
Dec 15, 2013 | ENE News

Michael Moore and Pandora’s Promise Director Robert Stone at The Traverse City Film Festival, July 2013:

3:00: What a kind of risky, brave idea to essentially say, there are people on the left who are questioning what has been one of the tenants of the left, which is anti-nuclear, anti-nuclear power.

6:15: There are other whispers by people who care about the environment […] I hear them and nobody wants to say it out loud, like for instance, ‘Solar and wind are not going to save us.’ [...] And to completely generate electricity for a home, those two panels you can put on the top of your roof, they can heat your hot water heater, that works pretty well, but to provide electricity, I don’t know what the exact number is, but I read some crazy number like you need a half-acre of solar panels. [...] Because I have such respect for you I went into it with an open mind [...] I really wanted to bring this here. [...] I have started to feel, I’ve started to question my own support of that, I’m not not supportive of solar and wind [...] we should try anything and everything.

12:15: You’re right they [France] do, they do it quite well, they don’t seem to have problems… they live longer than we do.

17:30: Why are the professionals [environmental organizations against nuclear power]? … it’s the money? It’s money.

20:30: I’m really happy to have shown this. [...] I think it’s important what you’ve done here. I think we have to have this discussion [...] I’m concerned about some of the statements that are made by some of the professional environmental groups and environmentalists. I don’t know what to trust sometimes.  I know now that there’s some self-interests involved. […] On those days where there’s no sun, how am I warming up my pizza? And it doesn’t store like gas. I think we all have to have an open mind and we need to start questioning these things. I think we have to have this discussion, it shouldn’t be about ideological, I think we all need to tone down our ideology about this particular thing […] We’re the ones who should lead the discussion […] we want to have that discussion because we know that something is horribly wrong [...] I feel so bad for our kids and our grand kids […] they will hate us a generation or two from now. I like being liked. Thank you Mr. Robert Stone for making this movie.

Watch the event here

More on wind and solar here: The world can be fully powered by alternative energy in 20-40 years, Stanford researcher says

More on Pandora’s Promise here: Paper: CNN’s nuclear propaganda film “is dishonest to its core” — It’s “actually an infomercial” as well as Another Take on Pandora’s Promise and also The Guardian: Pandora’s Promise doesn’t live up to the hype

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