
Saturday, May 31, 2014

URGENT: FRACKING EXPLOSIONS in Colorado - 4 Mile Long eruption of Liquid Sand + stored CO2

DutchSinse | May 31, 2014 | CHANNEL

Full breakdown of the Collbrand Colorado "landslide" from our live broadcast on Friday Night (May 30 2014). All links below.

It appears a large deposit of high pressure liquid sand, underground at the Collbran Colorado fracking location, found a weak point to the surface.

After doing some research on the "Collbran Gas System" , which is part of the Piceance shale deposit, I found that in addition to hydraulic fracturing (fracking), there is also a LARGE amount of CO2 being pumped into the ground (like carbonation in a can of soda).... a process called "Carbon Sequestration", where CO2 is pumped into old oil wells filled with liquid frack sands.

Carbon Sequestration is a Geoengineering method to reduce the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere (under the belief that there is global warming due to excessive CO2 in the atmosphere).

The geoengineers have partnered up with the US Government, and oil companies -- to use old oil wells to "store" Carbon Dioxide gas. (each well thousands of feet deep, capable of being filled and compressed with billions of cubic feet of gas across thousands of old wells).

It is my supposition that a high pressure liquid sand CO2 "eruption" occurred at the fracking operation (the weakest point in the crust due to drilling)...

The weak point allowed the liquid frack sands, along with subterranean high pressure sands, along with highly compressed CO2 to all "erupt" and flow down the mountain more like a LAHAR than a "landslide".

Complete lack of water , and the presence of a sandy silicate mixture, also the confirmed CO2 storage... means we're getting a bogus line from the powers that be on the reasons behind this fracture.


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