
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

New Brunswick resident shares viral video of insane snowfall

© Reuters/Nathan Rochford
A man walks near a snow plow after a winter
storm hit Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
February 16, 2015. Canadian media reported that
80 cm (2.6 feet) of snow hit the
province, breaking a single storm record.
SOTT | Feb 17, 2015 | Toronto Sun

One New Brunswick man made it his mission to prove the East Coast has it worst than the rest of the country by uploading a YouTube video documenting just how much snow they've received.

It worked. You win, East Coast. We concede.

Kevin McGrath, a resident of Dieppe, probably wasn't expecting his home video showing off the amount of snow congregating around his house to hit almost 84,000 views on YouTube in two days but that's precisely what happened.

In the video, McGrath starts off by showing the "9-foot" snow bank that has built up in front of his door. He tries to dig his way out of it, but after about 30 seconds admits defeat and moves to another potential exit point.

In the garage, the situation is a little less dire, but not by much. McGrath is able to see the top half of his car and figures he and his wife can jump and squeeze their way out of the house.

With a perfect amount of dad jokes and cussing thrown in for a soundtrack, the video is a terrifying hoot.

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