Dec 9, 2012 | Food Freedom News
By Permaculture Media Blog
Beekeeping has suddenly become popular again, having been in decline for more than half a century.
Honeybees have been in the news for all the wrong reasons: collapsing colonies, pesticide poisoning and parasitic mites – and all this bad news seems to have triggered an almost primitive desire in people to want to help and nurture this vitally-important insect that – despite all our scientific advances – we still do not fully understand.
Ever since I can remember, beekeepers have been regarded by the media as harmless, doddery old men (mostly), who do strange things with wooden boxes full of bees, while dressed in sartorially suspect garb. However, this image is beginning to change, with more and more women and young people being attracted to the idea of learning this ancient craft and a new urgency in the air about preserving our honeybees for their important role as pollinators, as well as for their own sake.
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When people first consider keeping bees, their most likely first port of call is their local Bee Keepers Association. Here they will almost always find a friendly welcome and a great deal of technical chat among the ‘old hands’, most of which will sound like a foreign language at first. When the jargon is translated, it turns out that one will be required to part with a not inconsiderable sum of money in order to buy one’s ticket into this arcane world: the glossy catalogues full of shiny, stainless steel are beguiling, but the accompanying price lists can come as quite a shock.
Did this put you off beekeeping?
Don’t let it! It is perfectly possible to become a beekeeper – a good beekeeper – without blowing a good chunk of one’s hard-earned savings. In fact, as I shall show you, you can even do it virtually for free!
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