Dec 19, 2012 | Activist Post | John Galt
Following on the heels of a former Wal-Mart executive exposing a widespread bribery campaign inside Mexico orchestrated to "gain market dominance," additional details have been provided in a recently released New York Times investigation.
The former executive had been in charge of obtaining permits for Wal-Mart's subsidiary Wal-Mart de Mexico. He led investigators to a paper trail which showed that the price to skirt zoning regulations to construct their outlets and do business was ultimately $24 million dollars; next to nothing compared to its now $380 billion annual revenue in that country.
Surprising as it may seem to those who are understandably wary of corporate media, the New York Times has taken the lead in an independent investigation, which has resulted in the NYT issuing a definitive accusation of widespread corruption based on the evidence they uncovered, as detailed in the video below.
The evidence of political payoffs, alterations of zoning maps, and unsafe construction practices is too overwhelming to deny. Furthermore, Wal-Mart had already taken steps to shut down their own investigation of their Mexican subsidiary in 2006 and Wal-Mart's then chief executive, H. Lee Scott, Jr. criticized internal investigators for being" overly aggressive." And their bribery campaign apparently is not only contained to Mexico . . . .
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