Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Frack Attack on Lethbridge Alberta Canada

Frack Attack on Lethbridge Alberta Canada
Jan 21, 2014 | Veterans Today | Dr. Anthony Hall

Governments in the so-called developed world have become almost completely subordinate to the agendas of parasitical corporations that regularly undermine public health with the deregulated spewing of huge arrays of toxins into our air, our water, our food, and our very persons. Health Canada and the Food and Drug Administration in the United States have basically become extensions of companies like Monsanto, makers of an ecologically disastrous deluge of GMOs, suicide seeds, and cancer-causing glyphosate contamination. In league with compliant professional associations of dentists and doctors, governments continue to advance the Fluoride Deception based on the myth that a volatile neurotoxin is good for us when diffused in our tap water. An important element in the industrial production of nerve gas, nuclear weapons, aluminum, freon, rat poison, and anti-depression drugs, fluoride is injected into public drinking water without informed public consent. This practice, with its cumulative damage to our brains, thyroids, kidneys, and bones, is pressed forward on a dubious claim, initially sold by psy ops guru Edward Bernays, that mass fluoridation prevents cavities in teeth.

The mounting dangers to public health go on and on. Smart meters, cell phones and Wi Fi invade us with electromagnetic radiation. Antique nuclear energy plants surround us as Fukushima continues to spew the stuff of accelerating nuclear criticality into ocean, air and groundwater. Vaccines are making many recipients sick. Our skies are criss-crossed with chem trails as it becomes more and more clear that we have all been rendered human guinea pigs in a vast array of sometimes lethal scientific experiments. The most toxic pollution of all is the 24/7 contamination of the mental environment. This mental pollution exposes people to steady streams of diversion and disinformation. The disfigured venues of mass communication  regularly reassure us that war is peace, that environmental desecration provides the gateway to economic prosperity. The very instruments of our growing enslavement are made to appear as keys to liberation.  

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