Saturday, December 31, 2011

US: Why We Are Mostly Broke

Why We Are Mostly Broke - R. Mark Sink

As someone in business over 20 years, we all can certainly feel the damage that is being done to the value of the home as nearly half of Americans are either poor, out of work, and or unable to attain any personal wealth, and left homeless.

The removal of wealth as health has long been part of the economic turmoil that overrides our social stability. Centralization of power in the market is obvious as many small businesses are wiped from existence, and removing the actual life-giving structure that retains true growth that is focused on family living.

The overwhelming status of confiding pride now is responsible for endless corruption that has wrought world-wide economic panic which it seems in effect serves those who sell fear and war as their foray adding to the continued economic depression from those partisans who live from greed.

Returning value to creation comes from within the community and the personal relationships that are built with each other. I have long depended on those relationships which have become disarrayed over time by the strong divisions between the system rot and what people truly believe is right for them.

Some of the issues are quite easy to discern as with the big box establishments who demand special services in order to deceive the customer into purchasing names that are wearing masks of deceit and dependence to a material world that is abstracted and thrown as a veil over the consciousness.

The honest and real needs of creating value have long been stripped of their power for mass packaging and production as seen and neutralizing all that love is made to be. Customers may no longer create, they must choose from mass produced profits which engage social dependency through occupation and abuse of local people less able to communicate with others unless it is provided by the system developer rot itself.

survival seed vault
The Amish people are famous for helping each other out and attempting to separate living from the mechanisms of mercantile which clearly feeds from the life force. Working with wood for over 35 years has not made me any less appreciative of nature, rather it has enlightened the nature of man and the horrible path it has beget.

This is a world of profitable boxes that must be furnished with goods sold by more boxes of junk. Females and males must follow the basic tax plan, and create a feeble source for the disease that is perpetually hungry.

© R. Mark Sink
Getting back to nature and having the human right to live upon earth in freedom of association and the will to create life is necessary to survive, and the return of appreciation for what earth is capable of without the endless false-flag of spice that drains our consciousness and tradition.

When you spend your hard earned wage at big box you are guaranteed that the value that is suspiciously saved is serving the masters not you, and as time passes you begin to realize these products are either out of date, not working right, out of style supposedly, or require perpetual replacement with more of your personal spirit, of which has long been stolen.

A suggestion for the animus of architecture in our world reaches for the sky as a sign of prestige among men of power, but underneath this is the anima holding the essence and personality in place, the true emporium where creation is born. You have a right to create your world and one that has a strong ability to defend your wealth and the future of those around you.

 © 2011 R. Mark Sink

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